Friday 10 September 2021

Welcome Back


It has been truly lovely to see the children back in school this week full of energy, smiles and enthusiasm. After a tumultuous 18 months we can finally try and get back to our normal routines and the way schools are supposed to be. 

The children are enjoying being able to play and mingle with children from other year groups and this enthusiasm has transferred into the classroom. We have loved getting to know each other, finding out all sorts of useful and fascinating information as well as taking part in team building games.

The children have dived head first into our work. They have shown what they are capable of in their writing, dazzled with their Maths and times tables knowledge and been introduced to their Egyptian Topic and Science topic.

During Science, we have dived head first into an investigation into what surfaces cause the most friction. The children were very enthusiastic and loved using the Newton meters while also being in control of what they measured. Taking onus of their own investigation seems to have really helped them get excited about our Forces Topic.

To introduce our topic, we used Now Press Play. What an experience that was! The children were taken to Ancient Egypt as a scribe where they had to lead the pharaoh through the underworld. We learnt loads and had a great time doing it.

They really are a fantastic group of children and we can't wait to see what else they are able to produc as thh year progresses. I'm sure it will amaze us.