Investigating Polygons
In year 5 both classes have been busy investigating what makes a polygon either regular or irregular.
Working in small groups they have discussed shapes that were provided and chosen initially if they thought they were Regular or Irregular.
Distinguishing between the two categories provided discussion about what shapes classed as Regular and which classed as Irregular.
Polygons are any closed 2d shapes that consist of 3 or more straight edges.
Most of the children were confident with their initial answers and were able to justify their choices of the placement of the shape.
As a whole class then they discussed the definition of the two classifications of polygons.
Regular Polygons have sides equal in length with angles that are also equal to each other.
Irregular Polygons are 2d shapes that have sides that are not equal or angles that are not equal.

Children were encouraged to place post-it notes on to clarify why the shapes were placed in the categories chosen.
They then reviewed their choices and made corrections where needed.