Mighty Maths
We are very proud in Year 5 that we are regularly active. We complete our 'Mile a Day' at least 3 times a week, participate in a rigorous 20 minutes of exercise twice a week as well as our 2 sessions of P.E a week.
Because of our enthusiasm for activity and active learning, Welford were chosen last year to pilot a scheme called 'Mighty Maths'. The idea behind this scheme was for the children to complete 5 minutes of activity then answer 5 maths questions every day. This encouraged consolidation of the children's knowledge as well as helping them to remain active.
The scheme was a success and Welford was chosen to be a part of 'Mighty Maths'' promotion. So the company who designed it brought cameras into school and filmed and interviewed some of the children in Year 5. The children performed brilliantly and were an absolute credit to the school.
We look forward to seeing the final promotional video soon.